Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Old, used sandals worn by Steve Jobs sell for $220K at auction house


Tell me you have money burning a hole in your pocket, and you need to get rid of it without telling me you have money burning a hole in your pocket. In an auction in New York, an old pair of Birkenstock sandals of the Apple founder, Steve Jobs was sold for $218,750.

Yes, you read that correctly. A used pair of Sandals sold for almost $220K, and we have no words for it. The most wanted sandals is a Birkenstock Arizonas in brown suede. It was said that Jobs used this during the pivotal moments of Apple during the 70s and 80s.

According to Julien’s Auctions executive director Martin Nolan, this was the highest price ever paid for a pair of sandals at an auction and was a record for footwear at the auction house, NPR reported.

The sandals worn by Steve Jobs were part of a collection from Mark Sheff, who happened to manage Jobs’ Albany, Calif., estate in the 1980s. The sandals aren’t the first item associated with Jobs to be sold at auction in recent years. NPR reported that an Apple-1 Computer prototype from the mid-1970s garnered $677,196 at auction.

These particular sandals worn by Steve Jobs were previously sold at an auction in 2016 and took in $2,000 at the time, so that is quite an increase in price in six years, huh? Inflation, right?

The auction happened in Times Square, and the bid came from a potential buyer in China.

While it is outrageous for a pair of old sandals, it is not even close to what others have paid for footwear at auction. There are other items sold before that were owned by prominent public figures. One of the famous footwear sold was the Nike Air Ships of Michael Jordan sold for $1.47 million last year.

They are old Birkenstocks, so people want to know if the sandals smell. Nolan told NPR that they “do smell…of success.”

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