LOS ANGELES (AP) — Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have reached a divorce settlement, bringing closure to one of Hollywood’s longest and most contentious splits, Jolie’s attorney confirmed on Monday.
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Attorney James Simon told media that the couple had finalized their agreement. The settlement was first reported by People magazine.
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“More than eight years ago, Angelina filed for divorce from Mr. Pitt,” Simon stated. “She and the children left all of the properties they had shared with Mr. Pitt, and since that time, she has focused on finding peace and healing for their family. This is just one part of a long ongoing process that started eight years ago. Frankly, Angelina is exhausted, but she is relieved this one part is over.”
The settlement awaits judicial approval, as no court documents have yet been filed. Pitt’s attorney did not immediately respond to requests for comment late Monday.
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A Hollywood Power Couple Turned Legal Opponents
Jolie, 49, and Pitt, 61, were once among the most iconic couples in Hollywood. The Oscar-winning actors share six children and were together for 12 years before Jolie filed for divorce in 2016.
The initial filing came after a private jet flight from Europe, during which Jolie accused Pitt of abusive behavior toward her and their children. Although a judge declared them legally divorced and single in 2019, disputes over asset division and child custody prolonged the case.
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Legal Challenges and Private Proceedings
A private judge initially ruled for equal custody of the children, but Jolie contested the decision, citing an undisclosed conflict of interest. After an appeals court agreed with Jolie, the judge was removed, forcing the couple to restart the legal process.
While details of the settlement remain undisclosed, the use of a private judge — a growing trend among celebrity divorces — kept most proceedings out of public view. However, some aspects surfaced through a separate lawsuit filed by Pitt, alleging Jolie violated an agreement to sell him her share of their jointly owned French winery. It is unclear how the divorce settlement will impact that lawsuit.
A Quiet Resolution to a Public Split
For Jolie, this settlement marks a significant step forward. According to her lawyer, she remains committed to prioritizing her family’s well-being despite the years-long battle.
As the public awaits further updates, the finalization of this settlement closes a chapter on one of the most highly scrutinized divorces in recent memory.