Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov has pledged to enhance efforts to combat criminal activity on the messaging platform. This marks his first public statement since French authorities filed preliminary charges against him for allegedly allowing illegal activities on Telegram.
In a post on Telegram, Durov defended his role, arguing that the French judicial investigation unfairly targeted him. He questioned the use of outdated laws to hold a CEO accountable for third-party actions on the platform.
“Using pre-smartphone laws to charge a CEO for crimes committed by others on the platform he oversees is a flawed approach,” Durov wrote. “Developing technology is already challenging, and no innovator would create new tools if they could be personally held liable for their misuse.”
Durov emphasized that Telegram is not “some kind of anarchic paradise” but acknowledged that the platform’s rapid user growth has made it more vulnerable to misuse.
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“That’s why I’ve made it a personal mission to improve our platform’s security measures. We’ve already started implementing changes, and I’ll provide further updates on our progress soon,” he added.