Thursday, February 13, 2025

Teacher fired for posting revealing bikini pics on Instagram




Teacher fired: Teaching is one of the most important job titles in our society today. Since that’s the case, it often haunts teachers when they aren’t mindful of what they do outside the classroom. That seems to be the current scenario with an educator in Columbia named Yeimmy Ilias Isaza. 

The teacher-turned-part-time social media mogul, who boasts more than 300,000 followers on social media, was removed from her position at a school after administrators saw her Instagram profile. Many of the photos featured on Isaza’s profile contain photos of her in revealing dresses and bikinis. Even with the lingerie and bikini-clad photos that grace her Instagram profile, Isaza is considered a “hit” with her students in the classroom according to sources. Regardless of her ability to get through to her students, her online presence was enough for her superiors to decide to part ways with her.

teacher fired because of revealing bikini photos

Even though the way she presents herself outside of the classroom is a fairly strong deviation from the norm, Isaza still has her fair share of people who empathize with her. 

Commenters support the teacher and said to just ignore the haters. They also praised her for doing well despite losing her job as a teacher.

In fairness to Isaza, the popularity of apps like TikTok and Instagram leads to an increasing number of teachers losing their roles due to the content being posted to their social media channels. Unfortunately, in many situations like this, it’s only the children who suffer since they are not the focus of administrators and parents.

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