Thursday, February 13, 2025

50-year-old man runs entire marathon while chain-smoking a pack of cigarettes




In a bizarre story, a Chinese man has gone viral for something no one could imagine. He ran a marathon, finished in the top half of all finishers, and did it all while chain-smoking his way through a pack of cigarettes. We all know how bad smoking is for your lungs, so how is this man doing this?

According to LAD Bible, there are photos of the man smoking and running his way through the Guangzhou marathon, which perplexed everyone. There aren’t many details about the runner, but he is known as Uncle Chen and is constantly seen with a cigarette in his mouth in the photos.

After seeing that, Uncle Chen went viral. The group that organized the marathon shared his final running time photo. He completed the 26.2-mile course, and he did it in 3 hours and 28 minutes, which is a very good time. That was good enough for a 574th-place finish out of 1,500 runners on the day, so he was smoking it up and still finished in the top half of all finishers.

Uncle Chen smoking a pack of cigarette
Uncle Chen | Weibo

It is not the first time Uncle Chen has done this, as he participated in the 2018 Guangzhou marathon and the 2019 Xiamen marathon while smoking a pack of cigarettes. He ran those races in 3:36 and 3:32, respectively, so the supposed 50-year-old is getting better as he ages.

LAD Bible reported a story that Chen only smokes when he runs, which would make no sense at all. They also reported that Chen is an ultra-marathon runner, as he has taken on distances of 50km and times of up to 12 hours.

The photos went viral on Weibo, which prompted comments to come in on the photos. One user said, “This type of behavior should be banned from the race.” Another user said, “I feel bad for the runners around him.”

I would definitely be annoyed and gagging from the smoke around me if I ran the race, but there are no rules against it. Mind you, marathons are outside, and most of the time, no one is lighting up during the race.

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