Following a home birth in which a 23-year old Las Vegas mom named Ashley Hollingsworth refused to attend a hospital for, the mother of the child was taken into police custody. She faces one charge of attempted murder and child abuse, according to Las Vegas law enforcement for allegedly attempting to smother her “evil” newborn.
According to sources, she held a blanket against the child’s nose and face. She was en route to Mountain View hospital when the incident occurred. Upon arrival at the hospital she refused to go into the emergency room because she was “bleeding profusely.” As wild as this story is, it gets even more unhinged. After fleeing from the area around the hospital, she was found roughly two hours later with “self inflicted injuries” to her head and face, and she told police officers she was “beat up by a rock”, which led to her booking photo featuring two black eyes.
Hollingsworth also told police that there was ”something evil” inside her stomach and that she was trying to kill it. In a news report, Las Vegas police wrote, “After seeing the baby’s eyes, smelling what she described as an abnormal scent, and the baby grunting at her, Ashley decided to wrap the blanket around the baby’s head. Fortunately, the father of the child who was traveling with Hollingsworth was able to bring the baby to the hospital staff for treatment where Mountain View doctors initially believed it suffered a brain bleed.
Fortunately, the diagnosis revealed that the baby didn’t sustain any injuries from the shocking incident. The baby’s mother however is being held without bail and was scheduled to appear in court this Monday. Results from the court hearing, along with an update on the status of the baby and its father are currently unavailable.